Hello all! I have been slacking on my blogging duties.
For shame!
I had an incident with my computer charger, so I have not had any battery power :( Luckily, Mr J let me use his new laptop to blog and obsess over Pinterest!
Ok, so here is the update. I should be going back to work soon! About 3 weeks. Crazy, I know. Well, in the meantime, we have moved! Our other house in the B-town was a shanty... full on SHANTY. When I say that, I mean it literally was falling apart underneath us. It's a 1930s farm house with no modern luxuries; like a dishwasher or closets. When we were moving out, we found hella mold and bugs. It was so gross. Thankfully, we are out of there and into our new rambler. WOOT! Our new spread was built in 1969 and has so much more space than what we are used to. It's completely updated and renovated, with granite counters, hardwood in the kitchen, brand new cabinets, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The best part... CENTRAL HEATING. No more space cadet heaters! Ah! The yard is very large for our location, and it also has 4 fruit trees. Jenni, there is tons of space for me to finally plant my flowers hahah!
Yesterday, we moved all of our stuff out of the B-town house and hauled it down to P-town. We got moved in fairly quickly, but couldn't fall asleep to save our lives. 6a poked it's ugly head in so early, and we were off to go get my stuff out of storage. It's been over a year and I finally got everything out! What a relief. My couches are like brand new, they had only been used for 2 months before they sat and then got packed up. I have tons of clothes I don't fit in to anymore, and gobs of foofoo decorations.
Here are some pictures of the house as of now. We have a lot to move around and things to get rid of, and a lot to add. The weather has been crap, so the pictures aren't crazy bright.

These are all pictures without much decorating. The 2nd bath is my "travels" bathroom. I put my worldly trinkets I have acquired myself, and from deployed friends over the years. I have a boomerang about the toilet and a rug from Baghdad on the floor. The kiddos room is going to have some cling-on deals on the walls, and I found a rug I am thinking I should put down...seeing as the carpet is white.. The guest room I have put on my never been used zebra bedding and my semi-used bed and dresser. Mr J suggested I put up all of my achievements there, so I put all of my awards and certificates and pageant stuff in there. Ok, so the master is like 50 feet bigger than our old bedroom. It feels monstrous! I have a DIY headboard project I have in my head I want to make, but money and my injury are preventing my tufted headboard from being completed. The living room is nice and big. I should've taken more photos, but eh, I will later. My semi-used furniture fit in PERFECTLY! It's so weird to go from hearing frogs and coyotes at night to cars and trains. I don't mind the suburbs so much because I grew up with a major road in my backyard, plus I am half deaf from C-17s. It's weird to be back in the 'burbs, and moving is still surreal, but we are adjusting well so far. Anywhoski, I am tired. Good night -- sweet dreams.