31 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

New Pad. That's what's up.

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Hello all! I have been slacking on my blogging duties.
For shame!
I had an incident with my computer charger, so I have not had any battery power :( Luckily, Mr J let me use his new laptop to blog and obsess over Pinterest!
Ok, so here is the update. I should be going back to work soon! About 3 weeks. Crazy, I know. Well, in the meantime, we have moved! Our other house in the B-town was a shanty... full on SHANTY. When I say that, I mean it literally was falling apart underneath us. It's a 1930s farm house with no modern luxuries; like a dishwasher or closets. When we were moving out, we found hella mold and bugs. It was so gross. Thankfully, we are out of there and into our new rambler. WOOT! Our new spread was built in 1969 and has so much more space than what we are used to. It's completely updated and renovated, with granite counters, hardwood in the kitchen, brand new cabinets, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The best part... CENTRAL HEATING. No more space cadet heaters! Ah! The yard is very large for our location, and it also has 4 fruit trees. Jenni, there is tons of space for me to finally plant my flowers hahah!
Yesterday, we moved all of our stuff out of the B-town house and hauled it down to P-town. We got moved in fairly quickly, but couldn't fall asleep to save our lives. 6a poked it's ugly head in so early, and we were off to go get my stuff out of storage. It's been over a year and I finally got everything out! What a relief. My couches are like brand new, they had only been used for 2 months before they sat and then got packed up. I have tons of clothes I don't fit in to anymore, and gobs of foofoo decorations.
Here are some pictures of the house as of now. We have a lot to move around and things to get rid of, and a lot to add. The weather has been crap, so the pictures aren't crazy bright.

These are all pictures without much decorating. The 2nd bath is my "travels" bathroom. I put my worldly trinkets I have acquired myself, and from deployed friends over the years. I have a boomerang about the toilet and a rug from Baghdad on the floor. The kiddos room is going to have some cling-on deals on the walls, and I found a rug I am thinking I should put down...seeing as the carpet is white.. The guest room I have put on my never been used zebra bedding and my semi-used bed and dresser. Mr J suggested I put up all of my achievements there, so I put all of my awards and certificates and pageant stuff in there. Ok, so the master is like 50 feet bigger than our old bedroom. It feels monstrous! I have a DIY headboard project I have in my head I want to make, but money and my injury are preventing my tufted headboard from being completed. The living room is nice and big. I should've taken more photos, but eh, I will later. My semi-used furniture fit in PERFECTLY! It's so weird to go from hearing frogs and coyotes at night to cars and trains. I don't mind the suburbs so much because I grew up with a major road in my backyard, plus I am half deaf from C-17s. It's weird to be back in the 'burbs, and moving is still surreal, but we are adjusting well so far.  Anywhoski, I am tired. Good night -- sweet dreams.

I'd like to buy a 'high five' please!

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There you have it! It is official, I will be on Wheel of Fortune! I got the phone call today and I will be taping on 3 April! 
Typically, I am super reluctant to answer the phone for any area code that I don't know, but LUCKILY I answered and to my surprise, it was well worth it!
The episode will air during the week of 21 June- 25 June.THE GREAT OUTDOORS WEEK
Stay tuned :)

Sorry it's been a while...

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Well hello friends, family and visitors!
I haven't really written a new blog since my pity party after Wheel of Fortune. Well, good news. I am no longer pouting and I am out of my hermit shell. Since Wheel, not much has really gone on. PSYCHE! Everyday is a new journey, duh! How freaky deaky is this, so most every day, Mr J sends me my horoscope. Typically I read them and think, "hmm, oh Leo..." But recently, the best 'scopes have been sent. A few days ago, Mr J sent me one saying something like, "Leo, you are worried about finances and blah blah blah, just wait, something good is coming. When the opportunity arises, take it." I shrugged it off, thinking maybe my Wheel check will show up 5 months early, or I will win some lottery. Around 8:30p, I get a text from my Aunt Ellen. She sends me this link to a job post and asks me to read it and see if it's something I would like and not to worry because she had connections. I read it and show Mr J and he agreed, it's the perfect job for me. I text back, long story short-- Sign me up. Tuesday rolls around and I meet up for comida with AE (Aunt Ellen) and we catch up, shoot the breeze, and discuss the fab opportunity. Oh, hello! It's my cousin's company, and I get to go work for him! How exciting! Him and I met over coffee, I know, it's sooo Seattle... and he said the job is there if I want it. Sold, I am there!
Today is the day I am putting in my 2 week notice at my job. I think to myself, although they have not been the nicest people to me, and it's definitely not been the most pleasant place to be employed, I professionally owe them 2 weeks. Who knows what will happen, they could just let me go here and now, which I am hoping they do, or they could keep me on for the remainder of my employment. Either way, SAYONARA!
I left for therapy midway through finishing this blog, and I got a lot accomplished while I was out. After massage therapy, I went down to T-Town to put in my resignation. I wanted to keep it formal and quiet without  a huge hullabaloo. The girl in HR is so nice, and I filled out the proper paperwork, put in my last date of work, and that was that. I am a free woman! It's rather sad how miserable people are there. The company, whom shall remain anonymous but I am sure everyone knows where it is, was not the best place, as aforementioned, but the opportunity I have been given is much greater than working on-call with no schedule. Instead of my fridge calendar looking a muck, I have consistent hours, consistent schedule, and a steady income. What a sigh of relief.

Well, let's see, what else has been going on?

The air date for Wheel has officially changed. The episode I participated in will air 23 MAY instead. Stay tuned and watch it! 
My parents came over for a fabulous meal! I made my famous turkey burgers with fiesta ranch, and might I say, they were fabulous. We got to showcase our awesome 3D TV, and my dad was watching Deadliest Catch and was acting like a kid. haha it was so awesome to see him get to excited! He told us about what he used to do for DEA and when he worked in Alaska and Florida and it was so cool to hear those stories. I am almost 25 years old and haven't heard stories like that, so it was cool! Also, PLEASE look for this man's mug on the side of Gordon Trucking trailers in the Western US! He tends to be very modest and doesn't want people to know these things, but now I have officially put him and his accomplishments on blast. WAY TO GO DADDY!

He's very "google-able"

Let's see... what else...
Mr J took me to the tulip festival as well. It was so lame for him, but A+ for his efforts to do something totally lame for me! I loved the colors and the assortment, but I must stand on my soap box for just a moment. Mr J and I are walking through the fields and fields of tulips, and I am taking pictures, doing my thing. Well, I wanted a picture of both of us with the tulips as the background... sigh. I asked a man to take our picture, keep in mind, we have taken pictures for other people, and he says NO, NO NO and shakes his head and walks away. Um, what? After numerous expletives pouring out of our mouths like vomit, we left. It really put a huge damper on the day. Everyone was just very rude and unmindful  and it really soured me. Luckily, we could laugh about it later on through the day.

The photos are uploaded and updated in the SONY SHOTS page of my blog!
That is what has been going on. Stay tuned, I will be sure to write some fabulous things more often when I get back into to groove of things! See you later!
WHAT A HUNK-- lookin' good! winky face winky face

What's New?

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Happy Tuesday, amigos!
So, a lot has been going on lately. Let's begin. First of all... just to clear the air. I have found out some things about my ex that has made his death much easier to handle. Apparently, he had another girlfriend as well. Ouch? Yes, ouch. Some people have mocked me and said that I am crazy, but really.. put yourself in my shoes. If you had no idea there was someone else, you would act like any normal person would if your significant other passed away. However, I am just a normal person who was fed lie after lie. Do I feel like a fool? Completely. Has it made me never want to date again? Absolutely. Unfortunately, it is a hard pill to swallow, but in the end, it will all be ok. Life does go on!
Off to fight the good fight with my M16
In other news.. Recently, I came back from a Military exercise. It was so much fun! We got to play in a simulated war! The first few days, we brushed up on last minute "deployment" items, and then we headed off to the middle of nowhere via C17 to play in the CASF (Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility). We had our chemical gear and helmets, and I was part of the PAR (Post Attack Recon) team. This job means that I go out along with a buddy after an attack to check for UXO's (Unexploded Ordnance) and other potentially threatening devices. Every exercise or training something we have going on I always get tasked for this job. Either I must be good at it, or people want me to be the first one blown up! Ha!
If anyone has experienced Chem Gear, you know how god awful hot it is, how heavy it is, and how much of a pain it is to go to the bathroom. Battle thong anyone? We were in MOPP 2 the entire time, and MOPP 4 for over 6 hours two consecutive nights! MOPP 4 is your chem pants, jacket, chem boots, gloves, glove inserts, and gas mask. Not to mention a helmet as well, a weapon, and sweat dripping down every inch of you. Needless to say, we all looked so good once the masks came off. Haha..
We worked 12 hour shifts, which made my sleep schedule so off. Not only was the time difference a challenge, but so was the 6p-6a shift. Off course, once you get used to it, you have to get back on the plane to come home. After being up for 41 hours, going through the Persco and redeploying, we all had to get mandatory flu mist. UGH. The past few days I have been quite snotty and congested, and feeling like crap. Ick. All in all though, it was such a fun time. Now the real fun begins when we get our inspection by the IG in a few weeks. It's pretty much the same thing as I just got back from, but it's the actual inspection to check our readiness and capabilities, not to mention it's longer.
I am happy to report that I am not dating anyone and I am focusing on myself and what my next adventure is going to be. Once the inspection in October is over, I am hoping to focus more on finishing my education and taking short trips to see different places and experience new things.
My inbox has been flooded with messages from people who found me on theCHIVE, and I wanted to say thanks for all the kind words! (Boo to some of the haters, jerks) but for the most part, thank you! John, the owner, has even asked me to be COTW! Yay! I am stoked! 
Now that I have more closure from the whole other girlfriend thing, I feel like I can move on and close that chapter. I found out that I was forbidden to go to his memorial service in order to keep myself and the other girl away from each other. I have no idea who she is, and I would not even try to cause a problem. I doubt she knew or knows who I am as well, but in all reality, both of us were lied to and I can't be mad at her for that. I send her my condolences as well, and now it's time for me to move on.
Work has been busy since getting back. I have tons to catch up on, and even more to do when I get home at night. Currently, I am studying for Airman Leadership School in hopes of getting promoted to Staff Sergeant here in the next few weeks. It's all computer based now, which makes studying a little more difficult for me, but from what I have heard, the test isn't too hard. It's just a matter of actually finding the time to study and get it out of the way.
My little sister got married! I am so excited for her and her new adventure ahead. Currently, her husband is deployed and upon his return, the big wedding will happen! We were talking about her wedding and it's fun to get to help her plan it and send her over ideas. I am sure that it will be spectacular, and I am so happy to be a part of it. Not only my sister, but one of my best girl friends is getting married too! She is going wedding dress shopping this weekend, and I wish so badly I was back home with her. There are so many great things to look forward to next year! Let's put this crappy year behind us, and make next year a brand new beginning.
I should get going now. But thanks for the nice comments and words from everyone. My blog has 13k viewers, which is incredible! Again, thanks!

Have a great day everyone. Stay away from drama, don't be a child, and stay classy.

Deactivated Facebook and some Cupcakes

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So, I got rid of my Facebook and decided to go back to blogging. Facebook started to get a little out of control, and it was time to get things back to the basics.

I decided to keep my Instagram though, even though they changed all the privacy settings. I am sure they are going to be using my photos of coffee cups and my traffic updates seeing as they are so artistic with those fancy filters of theirs.

With the new year quickly approaching, I have decided that I needed to really get back to doing things that make me happy. Once I find my camera battery charger, I am going to get back into taking some pictures of the greatness Washington offers, and my first project is Engagement photos for my sister. I can't believe my baby sister got married!

The other day, I decided to make some cupcakes and go back to my roots! I made from scratch Chocolate Caramel cupcakes with a Peanut Butter Buttercream frosting!

I saw this thing on Pinterest, of course, that said how to make our cupcakes rise more. There have been times where I have made cupcakes and they just didn't seem to rise very well. I set the oven for 350 to preheat, then once the cupcakes were in the oven I lowered the temp to 325. Look how well they rose! Instead of cutting out the centers and filling them with caramel, I took the lazy way and put a Rolo inside... but next time I will make sure that I don't put them in too early... it sunk to the bottom.
I brought them to work because quite frankly, they are delicious... and only a few have been eaten! What the heck!

Tomorrow, I have a promotional video shoot for the company I work for. We have this gorgeous new space that has been completely renovated and we are doing some promotional work for the website. It's a little exciting when I get to get full hair and makeup done, but not exciting when I have no idea what to wear and I hate being interviewed! Hopefully I look better on this than I did on Wheel of Fortune... speaking of! It's pretty awkward when you are working out and look up on the TV and see yourself.. Luckily the volume was down, but what was I thinking with that hair and unfflattering top? Oh well.

Thanks to theCHIVE, I got my own spread as Chivette of the Week! That was pretty awesome! I decided to keep it classy and didn't want to slut it up like half the other girls on there. With the good comes the bad though, but luckily I have received a lot of nice compliments from it. A few, "she's fat" and "she must be a whore" comments, but that is a given. At first, I took it pretty hard and I was upset with those hurtful words, but then I realized that I kept myself not only clothed, but represented in a way that would not make me shameful or disgraceful to the military. Which- thanks everyone for the awesome comments!

For the jerks out there, haters gonna hate.

This weekend is the Seahawk-49er game! Can you believe the high scoring games lately!? Let's hope the Hawks stomp the 9ers! Oh wow, did I just say that? Sorry-- my hometown team vs my current home team... Well, I would LOVE to see the Hawks win it! I am so stoked too I get to represent the Military and hold the flag on the field! 'merica! I will be sure to take some pictures and post them seeing as Facebook is no more :)

Thanks to all my Chive supporters and followers, and a big thank you to all the service men and women who are overseas this year who can't spend it with their families.

See yaaa

Oh yeah! I went back dark! What do you think?

27 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

Scott's Walk-Up Bar-B-Q (Cartersville, GA)

To contact us Click HERE
206 North Tennessee Street
Cartersville, GA 30120

Another spot that's been on my short list recently has been Scott's Walk-Up Bar-B-Que in Cartersville, GA. You walk up to the restaurant, walk up to the counter, place your order, and wait for the food to be brought out to you. I suppose a lot of BBQ places these days share the same "business model," but it still makes for an interesting BBQ joint name. I've heard that owner, Scott Panter, was very involved in the BBQ competition scene with a lot of success before deciding to open up his brick and mortar restaurant. Restaurant BBQ and competition BBQ aren't always a seamless transition so I was curious on what kind of food would make its way to the table. Restaurant BBQ and competition BBQ are two completely different beasts. Competition style focuses on one bite of BBQ while the other aims to make a great meal.

The GBH team had one of our most memorable BBQ experiences on our first ever visit to Scott's. When we "walked up" and sat inside we both noticed how quiet and dimly lit the whole place was. It had a "Walking Dead" post-zombie-apocalypse feel. This isn't usually the mood you try to achieve at a BBQ spot. It was shortly announced that all the power was out which made a little more sense. My best non-electrical background explanation was that some of the wires had crossed near one of the breakers. That sounds pretty official, right? Anyways, we were still able to place our orders even though there was no ice or active credit card machines. They said if we didn't have cash that we could just come back later and square everything up. Now that's good people.

My $20 bill was worth a half pound of pulled pork, half rack of ribs, one all beef sausage link, and a side of baked beans...not too bad. Scott's only serves brisket on Fridays and we were in luck because it was Friday! We were also shortly out of luck since their three briskets that they cook sold out by noon and it was 12:30. Scott uses a gas-wood fueled Southern Pride smoker which hopefully wouldn't let anything get too far off the path of edible BBQ.

The pulled pork we indulged in was pulled into long, fresh, flavorful strands of pork shoulder interwined with smoke-kissed, delicious pieces of outer bark. No sauce needed here, folks. While a pork butt might be one of the easiest things to smoke, it's still nice to see places do it well. More than 75% of places we visit can't decently smoke a pork butt which should tell you a lot about the rest of the menu. Our meal went down hill after the pulled pork though. The ribs were old, tough, and greasy. The all beef sausage tasted like it was straight out of a pack of Oscar Meyers. That's not a good thing in the BBQ world.

I know I've got to cut them a little slack since the whole place had been operating without power. The pulled pork was great. I'll have to come back another Friday to hopefully get some of their brisket that I've heard good things about. Not sure how the fresh ribs compare to the ribs we had, and I'd avoid the beef sausage if ever visiting Scott's

Scott's Walk-up Barbeque on Urbanspoon

Drexler's BBQ (Houston, Tx)

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Every city has their fair share of "Hometown Heroes" that become icons among the community. One of those heroes for Houston, Tx is Clyde "The Glide" Drexler. A former NBA professional who helped us win the 95' NBA Championship during our "Clutch City" Era. He was also a pivotal member of University of Houston's Phi Slamma Jama, perhaps one of the greatest college basketball teams ever.

From what I've been told, Drexler's is a family owned BBQ establishment outside of downtown Houston that operates under Clyde Drexler's family.

Well I'm sad to say this that I drove there today and it's not there anymore. What was a waste of time...

I guess we'll never know if lived up to the Westfall standard...

Here are some blogger comments about why it shut down:


Anonymous said...
bad tasting food = no customers = shut down business. it is a shame because the new location was very nice inside. i supported drexlers a couple of times, but it didn't compare in taste to goode company etc;
i really wanted it to succeed, especially as a black business, but word spread fast that the bbq was NOT VERY GOOD. i don't understand why they could not hire a new cook.

Anonymous said...
the food was terrible...how u mess up bar-b-que...especially when you are in the position to afford to pay a good chef...

Anonymous said...
This happens when you boil the meat and then smoke it.

Anonymous said...
can you please put up a new picture of Clyde? something current? maybe from the dancing show or in a houston rockets jersey? come on Isiah, you are really behind the times.

Anonymous said...
Ate there once... it was mediocre and the quantity was, well, meagher. They were charging top quality price for a middle of the road product. Poor quality + poor quantity = no success in the land of a million bbq joints.

Anonymous said...
I spoke with a previous cook that work there when Drexlers first opened, he said the managers treated the cooks like crap!!! He said that he quit! He said that after he left it went down heel from there, because the other cooks didn't really know what they were doing..

Tom said...
I can attest the food was that bad I ate there on several in several months to be fair to tha brotha and I WASTED MY MONIE. Pappas BBQ is way better. the food was also over priced. It was such a relief that they closed down, I feel bad that Clydes name had to be linked to that mistake.. Its spelled hill not heel

Anonymous said...
Oh come on the food wasn’t bad, it was more commercial cooking, the appetizers were good and so were the drinks at the bar.
As far as the restaurant closing, I heard that the Drexlerl Family leased the restaurant out to another company and allowed them to use the Drexler name. The restaurant had been leased out for special events as well. I’m sad to see it go. There were some good times had there..

TOM said...
Trust me, you must have really bad taste the food was not worth the price of admission.

Anonymous said...
quit kissing clyde's ass

Anonymous said...
The food was horrible and overpriced!
2:02 AM

I give Clyde Drexler a 5 out of 5 stars for being an awesome basketball player.

Drexlers Bar B Que on Urbanspoon

Thelma's BBQ (Houston, Tx)

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This place came under the recommendation of a BBQ Documentary I watched called "Barbecue: A Texas Love Story". I took this recommendation in good faith because it was a great documentary. I'm going to have to rethink my product review on that documentary now. Thelma's BBQ was also voted in Texas Monthly's Top 50 BBQ in Texas. I'm also going to have to rethink my feelings on Texas Monthly magazine. Thelma's BBQ is also a BBQ staple in Houston. Again, I will be questioning the character of Houston and their BBQ from this day forward.

Thelma's was horrible. The sauce was a diabetic nightmare which tasted like Sweet and Sour Sauce from a Chinese restaurant. They just dump the sauce right on it. Imagine a red soup and you have to fish bbq out of. That my friends was my experience at Thelma's BBQ. There was more sauce than meat (and there was plenty of meat mind you).I'm a no sauce/no bullshit kind of guy when it comes to bbq. I like to taste the meat, texture, and enjoy the moistness of a good rib/brisket. I read a sign that said "Sauce on Side - $2". Yea...F* That.

Atmosphere was horrible. Granted it's in the middle of the hood, but I don't like watching talk shows and listening to AC window units in the background while I try to enjoy my food.

My advice. Skip the BBQ at Thelmas and go down the block to Frenchies which is closer to U of H...it's like a home cooked menu from Popeye's.

Also, I stepped in horse shit on the way out. That's never helped anyone.

Thelma's will be receiving a 2 out of 5 stars.

Thelma's Bar B Que on Urbanspoon

12 Mile Limit - Shortall's BBQ (New Orleans, La)

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This place is a bit confusing. No, it's not a haunted house. It's not a BBQ establishment. What it is is a really awesome bar located in Mid-City. They have really great cocktails, beer, cupcakes, and some BBQ...!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Once upon a night I decided to fight through my daily dose of crackheads to get over to Mid-MID-City and try some BBQ over there. I was told that the Pitmaster hails from Texas and smokes on a webber grill...I've never seen or heard of that, so I reserved the right to make a judgment on that information. It was nice to see fellow Texans pop into the joint such as Rex Gregory and Mike Girardo. But native Texan's within proximity of BBQ will not help out a score on this blog. Shortall's is the last name of the Pitmaster. That is how BBQ (or any product) should be. Putting your name on your product. A lot of people put out shitty products knowingly and hide behind the product under another name cowardly. Who want's to put their name on something shitty? Taking pride in one's work is a lost art in America. So I respect that. When I open my BBQ business it will bore the Westfall Logo. Shortall is a man without an ounce of Bullshit in his body...a True Texan.

Mac and Cheese - Honestly, I've made kraft in a microwave that tasted better.
Cole Slaw - Perfection (and I'm not a fan of coleslaw)
Potato Salad - Pretty Good (but not house, so you can't hold that against him)

and now the Brisket...
The brisket was a little dry with a microwaved texture and fell apart in little tiny pieces. But, the bartender told me he microwaved it.

Pulled Pork Sandwiches.
Look, Cattle is King. Pork is for the children in Carolina. But I've made exceptions to that rule. Some "people" (The "Yankee" Southerners in The Carolinas) put coleslaw on their pulled pork sandwiches. I've had that a few times and was unimpressed. Call me a Muggle but I've always thought that was pretty stupid. But, I decided to push my pride to the side and eat the pork sandwich with the coleslaw on it anyway. Low and behold, it was one of the better pulled pork sandwiches I've had in my day.

Look yall, I've had god awful BBQ in New Orleans and this doesn't deserve to be ranked among them. However, I don't think this ranks among the top tier in Central Texas. New Orleans is lucky to have a place like this.

12 Mile Limit/Shortall's BBQ will be receiving a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Twelve Mile Limit on Urbanspoon

Leatha's (Hattiesburg, Ms)

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tr.v. o·ver·hyped, o·ver·hyp·ing, o·ver·hypes Slang
To promote or publicize to excess: People grossly overhyped Leatha's BBQ.

I gave this place a second chance due to it's hype. Both times I have been let down. I don't get it, I just don't get it.

The food is fall off the bone greasy and flavorless with a sauce so sweet that the only thing you'll be getting early for Christmas is diabetes. Don't let the pictures of celebrities on the wall fool you.

If you're in Hattiesburg and want BBQ...make it to Tango's at The Shell Station...

I don't care who likes Leatha's BBQ, that place is no good. I'll stand by that till the day I die.

Leatha's BBQ will be receiving a 1.5 out of 5 stars.

Leatha's Bar-B-Que Inn on Urbanspoon

20 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

Drexler's BBQ (Houston, Tx)

To contact us Click HERE
Every city has their fair share of "Hometown Heroes" that become icons among the community. One of those heroes for Houston, Tx is Clyde "The Glide" Drexler. A former NBA professional who helped us win the 95' NBA Championship during our "Clutch City" Era. He was also a pivotal member of University of Houston's Phi Slamma Jama, perhaps one of the greatest college basketball teams ever.

From what I've been told, Drexler's is a family owned BBQ establishment outside of downtown Houston that operates under Clyde Drexler's family.

Well I'm sad to say this that I drove there today and it's not there anymore. What was a waste of time...

I guess we'll never know if lived up to the Westfall standard...

Here are some blogger comments about why it shut down:


Anonymous said...
bad tasting food = no customers = shut down business. it is a shame because the new location was very nice inside. i supported drexlers a couple of times, but it didn't compare in taste to goode company etc;
i really wanted it to succeed, especially as a black business, but word spread fast that the bbq was NOT VERY GOOD. i don't understand why they could not hire a new cook.

Anonymous said...
the food was terrible...how u mess up bar-b-que...especially when you are in the position to afford to pay a good chef...

Anonymous said...
This happens when you boil the meat and then smoke it.

Anonymous said...
can you please put up a new picture of Clyde? something current? maybe from the dancing show or in a houston rockets jersey? come on Isiah, you are really behind the times.

Anonymous said...
Ate there once... it was mediocre and the quantity was, well, meagher. They were charging top quality price for a middle of the road product. Poor quality + poor quantity = no success in the land of a million bbq joints.

Anonymous said...
I spoke with a previous cook that work there when Drexlers first opened, he said the managers treated the cooks like crap!!! He said that he quit! He said that after he left it went down heel from there, because the other cooks didn't really know what they were doing..

Tom said...
I can attest the food was that bad I ate there on several in several months to be fair to tha brotha and I WASTED MY MONIE. Pappas BBQ is way better. the food was also over priced. It was such a relief that they closed down, I feel bad that Clydes name had to be linked to that mistake.. Its spelled hill not heel

Anonymous said...
Oh come on the food wasn’t bad, it was more commercial cooking, the appetizers were good and so were the drinks at the bar.
As far as the restaurant closing, I heard that the Drexlerl Family leased the restaurant out to another company and allowed them to use the Drexler name. The restaurant had been leased out for special events as well. I’m sad to see it go. There were some good times had there..

TOM said...
Trust me, you must have really bad taste the food was not worth the price of admission.

Anonymous said...
quit kissing clyde's ass

Anonymous said...
The food was horrible and overpriced!
2:02 AM

I give Clyde Drexler a 5 out of 5 stars for being an awesome basketball player.

Drexlers Bar B Que on Urbanspoon

Walker's Southern Style BBQ (New Orleans, La)

To contact us Click HERE
I really wanted to like this place. I really really did. But I did not.

The ribs had a great taste, an ok texture (despite the fact that they left the membrane on), and yet they SMELLED awful.

They ran out out of the brisket so maybe I'm not being fair. However, I'm just going off what I was served.

Not much left to say. The women that ran it were really sweet and there wasn't an ounce of that presumptuous attitude that lurks many New Orleans establishments.

Walker's BBQ will be receiving a 2 out of 5 stars.

p.s. I'd like to say that maybe I'll try it again someday but I'd rather smoke my own BBQ than give second chances. I will also put a disclaimer up, Walkers is known for their couchon du lait po boys. I didn't get it because this is not a po boy blog.

Walker's Southern Style Bar-B-Que on Urbanspoon

Thelma's BBQ (Houston, Tx)

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This place came under the recommendation of a BBQ Documentary I watched called "Barbecue: A Texas Love Story". I took this recommendation in good faith because it was a great documentary. I'm going to have to rethink my product review on that documentary now. Thelma's BBQ was also voted in Texas Monthly's Top 50 BBQ in Texas. I'm also going to have to rethink my feelings on Texas Monthly magazine. Thelma's BBQ is also a BBQ staple in Houston. Again, I will be questioning the character of Houston and their BBQ from this day forward.

Thelma's was horrible. The sauce was a diabetic nightmare which tasted like Sweet and Sour Sauce from a Chinese restaurant. They just dump the sauce right on it. Imagine a red soup and you have to fish bbq out of. That my friends was my experience at Thelma's BBQ. There was more sauce than meat (and there was plenty of meat mind you).I'm a no sauce/no bullshit kind of guy when it comes to bbq. I like to taste the meat, texture, and enjoy the moistness of a good rib/brisket. I read a sign that said "Sauce on Side - $2". Yea...F* That.

Atmosphere was horrible. Granted it's in the middle of the hood, but I don't like watching talk shows and listening to AC window units in the background while I try to enjoy my food.

My advice. Skip the BBQ at Thelmas and go down the block to Frenchies which is closer to U of H...it's like a home cooked menu from Popeye's.

Also, I stepped in horse shit on the way out. That's never helped anyone.

Thelma's will be receiving a 2 out of 5 stars.

Thelma's Bar B Que on Urbanspoon

12 Mile Limit - Shortall's BBQ (New Orleans, La)

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This place is a bit confusing. No, it's not a haunted house. It's not a BBQ establishment. What it is is a really awesome bar located in Mid-City. They have really great cocktails, beer, cupcakes, and some BBQ...!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Once upon a night I decided to fight through my daily dose of crackheads to get over to Mid-MID-City and try some BBQ over there. I was told that the Pitmaster hails from Texas and smokes on a webber grill...I've never seen or heard of that, so I reserved the right to make a judgment on that information. It was nice to see fellow Texans pop into the joint such as Rex Gregory and Mike Girardo. But native Texan's within proximity of BBQ will not help out a score on this blog. Shortall's is the last name of the Pitmaster. That is how BBQ (or any product) should be. Putting your name on your product. A lot of people put out shitty products knowingly and hide behind the product under another name cowardly. Who want's to put their name on something shitty? Taking pride in one's work is a lost art in America. So I respect that. When I open my BBQ business it will bore the Westfall Logo. Shortall is a man without an ounce of Bullshit in his body...a True Texan.

Mac and Cheese - Honestly, I've made kraft in a microwave that tasted better.
Cole Slaw - Perfection (and I'm not a fan of coleslaw)
Potato Salad - Pretty Good (but not house, so you can't hold that against him)

and now the Brisket...
The brisket was a little dry with a microwaved texture and fell apart in little tiny pieces. But, the bartender told me he microwaved it.

Pulled Pork Sandwiches.
Look, Cattle is King. Pork is for the children in Carolina. But I've made exceptions to that rule. Some "people" (The "Yankee" Southerners in The Carolinas) put coleslaw on their pulled pork sandwiches. I've had that a few times and was unimpressed. Call me a Muggle but I've always thought that was pretty stupid. But, I decided to push my pride to the side and eat the pork sandwich with the coleslaw on it anyway. Low and behold, it was one of the better pulled pork sandwiches I've had in my day.

Look yall, I've had god awful BBQ in New Orleans and this doesn't deserve to be ranked among them. However, I don't think this ranks among the top tier in Central Texas. New Orleans is lucky to have a place like this.

12 Mile Limit/Shortall's BBQ will be receiving a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Twelve Mile Limit on Urbanspoon

Leatha's (Hattiesburg, Ms)

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tr.v. o·ver·hyped, o·ver·hyp·ing, o·ver·hypes Slang
To promote or publicize to excess: People grossly overhyped Leatha's BBQ.

I gave this place a second chance due to it's hype. Both times I have been let down. I don't get it, I just don't get it.

The food is fall off the bone greasy and flavorless with a sauce so sweet that the only thing you'll be getting early for Christmas is diabetes. Don't let the pictures of celebrities on the wall fool you.

If you're in Hattiesburg and want BBQ...make it to Tango's at The Shell Station...

I don't care who likes Leatha's BBQ, that place is no good. I'll stand by that till the day I die.

Leatha's BBQ will be receiving a 1.5 out of 5 stars.

Leatha's Bar-B-Que Inn on Urbanspoon