14 Ağustos 2012 Salı

Franklin Barbecue (Austin, Tx)

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Hands down - The best BBQ you will find in Austin.

The real question is if it's worth waiting in a line for an hour and a half?

Answer: Yes

One of Austin's latest hipster trend is the Trailer Park food scene. It's basically a collective of Food Trucks that get together and sell food out of their Trailers. Some of the worlds best chefs work out of these trucks. This is how Franklin BBQ started. This husband & wife trailer became so popular that they moved to a permanent location on 900 E. 11st in Austin. Aaron Franklin is a super nice guy and has a charming way of making you enjoy the BBQ before you even it. However, he does not need that southern charm for him to get the praise he deserves.

One thing that inspires me about his skills is his low and slow technique. I've been finding that my favorite briskets in Texas have been smoked on a high heat. I was even debating experimenting with the high heat technique myself and switching over in my own BBQ. Franklin does an 18 hour smoke at 250. Learning this info has renewed my faith in our low and slow tradition and convinced me to let the Lockhart guys stick with the high heat. I also read somewhere that he uses Angus Beef from Montana. I'm sure his high quality meat makes a huge difference.

Now, I've always been uber critical of the ribs that I've had in Texas. Ribs in Texas have never been up to par in my book. While Franklin didn't make THE BEST Ribs I've ever had, they did make the best ribs I've ever had in Texas. This says a lot. Everything else was also amazing, a little over salted but amazing none the less. Brisket, pulled pork, sausage, ribs, potato salad, etc...amazing. Some places make a good brisket and mediocre ribs. Others are vice versa. Others (like in New Orleans) have great sides and and mediocre meats. Franklin is consistent across the board. Everything out of that smoker/kitchen will be some of the best BBQ you will eat..

They open at 11 am and usually sell out of meat around 1pm. Be prepared to wait in line for at least an hour. It's worth the trip and the wait.

Franklin BBQ will be receiving a 5 out of 5 stars.

Franklin Barbecue on Urbanspoon

Iron Works BBQ (Austin, Tx)

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"Eating awful BBQ in Texas makes me mad"
This place wasn't even on my radar. But when I showed up to Franklin's BBQ all late, I had no plan B. So some Austin locals gave me two "great" substitutions - Stubb's BBQ (No Thank You-Pass) and Iron Works. I told myself "what the hell, it's only a mile or two away." Well let me tell you what, this was not a great substitution to Franklin. You know the slogan "Keep Austin Weird?" Well these locals that suggested this place were trying to "Keep Austin Awful."

It is always a bad omen when the smoker is of stainless steel. They got the decour right, the pricing right (by the pound, not any of these "McDonalds style" meal plans), the customer service right, etc... Everything was right but the meat. *Sigh* It was great getting beef ribs but next time I'll pass and smoke my own. The meat was dry and boring. I'm surprised that this place has lasted as long as it has. There is not much left to say. I'm quite surprised that a place like this can survive in Austin amongst great BBQ establishments.

Side note...Austin is on its way of getting annexed to it's own non-Texan Texas city to join the ranks of Dallas, Houston, and East Texas. Establishments like Ironworks show me that these decor restaurants do nothing more than appease the "Texas aesthetic" that the hipster scene thrives off of and yet does nothing to appease the taste of great BBQ.

Don't get me wrong, there is hope for this place. Just how the New Orleans Saints had to fire Jim Haslett for Sean Payton, Ironworks will need to change Pitmasters to get a good turn around for Championship BBQ.

Iron Works BBQ will be receiving a 2 out of 5 stars.

Iron Works Barbecue on Urbanspoon

The Big Bib (San Antonio, Tx)

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I knew I was not in New Orleans when I saw a smile from the cash register and an owner that wanted to please his customers. The place is designed for to-go orders but they awkwardly have a few places to sit. Don't be worried or skeered, they'll will make you feel right at home.

We ordered the Brisket, Ribs, Sausage, Macaroni and Cheese, and Baked Beans. It was all incredible.

As we sat with our meal, the owner came and let us sample the peach cobbler. It was incredible.

Then went up and got a banana pudding. It was incredible.

This place was incredible. However, there was a sense of magic missing. Don't get me wrong it was a slice of heaven...but delivered by one of the 2nd tier Saints like Saint Abdas of Susa instead from the St. Peter or the Big JC himself.

The best BBQ I've ever had in San Antonio has been The Big Bib. Period.

The Big Bib will be receiving a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

The Big Bib on Urbanspoon

Leatha's (Hattiesburg, Ms)

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tr.v. o·ver·hyped, o·ver·hyp·ing, o·ver·hypes Slang
To promote or publicize to excess: People grossly overhyped Leatha's BBQ.

I gave this place a second chance due to it's hype. Both times I have been let down. I don't get it, I just don't get it.

The food is fall off the bone greasy and flavorless with a sauce so sweet that the only thing you'll be getting early for Christmas is diabetes. Don't let the pictures of celebrities on the wall fool you.

If you're in Hattiesburg and want BBQ...make it to Tango's at The Shell Station...

I don't care who likes Leatha's BBQ, that place is no good. I'll stand by that till the day I die.

Leatha's BBQ will be receiving a 1.5 out of 5 stars.

Leatha's Bar-B-Que Inn on Urbanspoon

Capital Q BBQ (Washington D.C.)

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In keeping with the Washington DC tradition of putting out failed products, lets talk about D.C. BBQ.

Capital Q =  One word: YUCK!

This was by far THE most expensive BBQ I’ve ever had. $20!

Nothing was seasoned, they gave me the fattiest point of the brisket where there was little to no meat in it. The ribs were pure rubber and the texture was pretty bad too. The meat just stuck on the bone. The Potato Salad (or should I say mustard/mayo salad with potato garnishing) was awful. If you hate celery you’d really hate this ”Potato Salad”. I left the place without cleaning my plate.

They pride themselves on Texas BBQ. You know what I say to that? Texas BBQ my Ass! OK, they got a little write up in the Houston Chronicle, they serve Texas beverages like Shiner Bock and Dr. Pepper, and I saw a few Texas stickers here and there. To quote the former Texas Governor Ann Richards "You can put lipstick on a hog and call it Monique, but it is still a pig."

Just how D.C. does NOT know what’s best for our country, they also don’t know what's best for BBQ. They can keep their laws and their BBQ. I’ll be taking the first flight outta here. I spared you the pictures I took so I wouldn't spoil your appetite.

Capital Q will be receiving a 1 out of 5 stars

  Capital Q Texan BBQ on Urbanspoon