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Different crops use different nutrients in the soil, so inter cropping and crop rotation do the same, which is the fact that they give the soild enough time do dissolve enough nutrients for the plants to take up. It basically helps maintain the fertility of the soil.
Also some plants release certain checmicals into the soil that prevent other plants from growing, so this is also minimized.What are the advanteges of inter-cropping and crop rotation?ADVANTAGES OF CROP ROTATION
1. It reduces the chance of soil bound organisms to get a pest and reducing the use of pesticides.
2. It minimises the growth of herbs getting a weed that needs to be eradicated.
3. Helps getting a good soil structure (alternatively shallow and deep rooting roots), high organic matter, good water provision, especially in combination with conservation tillage, resulting in a higher yield.
1. Intercropping gives higher income per unit area than sole cropping.
2. It acts as an insurance against failure of crop in abnormal year.
3. Intercrops maintain soil fertility as the nutrient uptake is made from both layers.
4. Reduce soil runoff.What are the advanteges of inter-cropping and crop rotation?more number and different variety of crops can be grown in a year without degrading the soil
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