26 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

What is your opinion on inter racial relationships?

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I have been in a relationship for three years with a mexican/puerto rican man. He was born and raised in the United States as were his parents. I am white from an average middle class family. Some people in my family dont aprove of our relationship. We plan on having children in the near future. Although no one can change the way I feel about him, I want to know what peoples true thoughts are on this. Also, I want to know if you think that my children will face any racial discrimination. Thank you!What is your opinion on inter racial relationships?Interracial relationships are cool! The only way that we can reduce the violence and hatred in this world is if we all converge to one skin color and religion. And I think interracial relationships are the only way to make it possible.

So don't worry about anyone and go ahead with your decision.What is your opinion on inter racial relationships?
As long as it's between a MAN and a WOMAN, I don't care.What is your opinion on inter racial relationships?i think it's fine. though there are some that will never agree. today it is a little more accepted.
People need to get over their "fear" of mixing races. It's always been happening, and will continue to happen. We are one race, different colors. Big deal. Good for you, stand by your man!What is your opinion on inter racial relationships?It's odd b/c I've dated interrracially and would like to again. But my current "man of interest" is taken - by an Asian woman. Ever since I found out he was taken, I have been uncomfortable seeing Asian women and White men together. Weird.What is your opinion on inter racial relationships?
People who discriminate relationships based on race, sex, and other superficial factors are bigots and do not deserve your attention. If you love him then that's all that matters.
Shouldn't be an issue, but then I live in New York City which has more liberal views on the subject. If you lived here, no one would think anything of your relationship or family, but I'm not so sure about other areas of the country.What is your opinion on inter racial relationships?
Family is important. I'd recommend you delay some to attempt to get their support. After all, they surely want what's best for you, and once they get to know him, they'll approve.

As far as your children and racial discrimination, it's possible. Kids have always looked for someone in the class to pick on. Mixed race is one reason, but they always find someone whether it be the tallest, shortest, bald, red hair, or the Scot kid that wears a kilt.

I can assure you that your child will have the opportunity to join in the bullying or to be bullied, and how it turns out will be a matter of how you raise him beforehand, and not his racial makeup.
Are you both in love? I personally don't have any problems with the mixing of races....and I think your kids will be beautiful. Teach them to respect other races and they will do well.

Will they face racism.....probably, but you need to raise them strong and surround them with good examples of people to be proud of. It won't always be easy......but it will be worth it.

Good luck!
What better way could there be to eliminate racism than by making everyone the same race?

Dr. King taught us to judge others by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

It's not likely that your children will face much racial discrimination in this day and age. There will always be racists, but they are an ever-decreasing minority.
Doesn't both me one iota.
Wow, I thought this concern went out when the Jefferson's was canceled. I have no worries about inter racial marriage and since very few folks I know are "purebred" I doubt your children will have any issues. Your family will get used to it their concern is probably more religious and culturally motivated as opposed to really racial. Being raised in a "white" culture they are probably worried you will become flamboyant with color or deeply catholic - some stereotypical misunderstanding. My DH and I had a few bumps in the beginning because I am of Spanish decent and he is of European but it's all worked out now the family has got to know me and they love to come over and eat! Remember food is a great conversation starter and cultural balancer - learn a few dishes from his mom and introduce them at holidays-do the reverse with his family-you'll be surprised at how hard it is to be judgmental with a full tummy. :) Good Luck!
I am Mexican and married to a "white man". We have a beautiful 17 year old that has faced discrimination. She is diverse and understands discrimination. She has been called "gringa" by Mexican girls but she does not let that get to her. She knows that being a gringa is a good thing!! she also knows that being a Mexican is a good thing as well. It's up to us as parents to teach our children to be color/culture blind and acceptable of any-other race. We fight discrimination with understanding and respecting others beliefs even if we do not agree.
I am against them
What level of significance should we attach to the fact that you described him as "mexican/puerto rican" and yourself simply as "white"?
love is love, as long as the love is with man and women, let them be.
Go ahead. You must say no to racial discrimination. Dont worry about kids. They will get what God has planned for them. Nobody on earth can change that. Remember if you can take this bold step your kids must be stronger to say Big NO to racial discrimination. All human beings are sons and daughters of Adam and Eve and all are equal. SAY NO TO RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.
For what reason does your family disapprove of your relationship w/ him is what you got to ask yourself. If your family dissapprove him b/c he is Puerto than they are just being plain o ignorant. If both of you are happy than I say don't let nothing get in between the two of you. Your family will welcome him sooner or later and if they don't than it's their lost. Inter-racial relationship has it's pros and cons just like any other relationship. I think if you're both open minded and willing to learn each other's culture than I am all for it. I was in an inter-racial relationship myself before. Things didn't work out for me. He was Morroccan and I was Vietnamese/Chinese. He was raised very domainate (most muslim are male dominate) therefore he was dominate in our relationship as well. He didn't care much about my culture nor want to get to know it.

I think there will be people who discriminate against inter-racial children. Nothing you can do to stop them acting this way. Best you can do is teach your children is a good start. Don't worry about what people think about you. As long as you and him are happy that's all it really matter.
all people have the right to love whomever they want

be happy ))

do not worry about your children ,you will make the best of it for them
For some people it works. I wouldn't do it though, not for a serious relationship though and definetely not kids. Im not a big rainbow family fan.

How can children resulting from such a relationship associate themselves fully with one culture. Deep down they will feel left out.
I am White American and my husband is Palestinian. We face discrimination everyday, from strangers and from both of our families. When we have children, I hope they get the same treatment we do. His family thinks I am a whore because I am American and my family thinks he will try to control me because he is Arab. Neither is true. I was Muslim before I met my husband and he was my first, I was a virgin until my wedding night. He would never think to control me, anyone in my family should know that because I have always had a very strong personality. But stereotypes will always be there, but I hope they go away in time and our families become more accepting.
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