I hadn't noticed it's been 10 days since I have last blogged! What the heck! Well, I haven't really been up to a whole lot. Just trying to keep up with household chores, doctors appointments, house hunting, and job searching. I am feeling better every day, but some days are definitely worse than others. This morning I woke up in excruciating pain in my mid back and shoulders, but it was somewhat cured with some Naproxen. Hopefully I will be back to work in no time. Speaking of work...I am looking for another job where I don't have to stand like I do where I currently am. I have sent out over a dozen resumes, and I already got one bite! Keep your fingers crossed! We are looking to move as well. Our cramped house isn't really cutting it anymore. I need some central heat and a dishwasher people! As much as this house has grown on me, I am ready to get my stuff out of storage and have some space. With all this time on my hands, I have, however, made some nummy homemade dinners. Here is my recipe for "Spicy Ranch Turkey Burgers". It was super easy and a great way to get rid of some stuff in the fridge!
So, first things first: wash your hands and prep your area. Get out all of your ingredients.

1 lb Lean Ground Turkey
Chopped Yellow Onions
Sliced Mushrooms
Ground Pepper
Minced Onions
Crushed Red Pepper
1 Spicy Ranch (or original) Packet
Pepperjack or your choice of cheese
Olive Oil
Minced Garlic
Fresh Kaiser Rolls
Now, most of these ingredients I just eye ball. I don't have any measurements. Plus, it's to your taste. You can always substitute things. I only caution against using wet ingredients in the Turkey. I put diced canned jalapenos in the mix once and they literally fell apart and wouldn't cook.
You will need either an outdoor grill or a skillet to cook the burgers on, and another separate saute pan for the onions and mushrooms. Start the onions first, as they need the most time to cook and caramelize. Place them in your saute pan with some olive oil on medium to high heat, using a spatula to move them around frequently until they start to turn a caramelly opaque color. Add about a teaspoon of minced garlic for flavor.*don't add mushrooms yet*

Ok, while your onions are gettin' their sizzle on, place the ground turkey in a large bowl and add the Ranch packet and spices. Mix it all together, and shape your meat into little patties. Large or small, whatever you want. If you are cooking indoors on your griddle, make sure it's hot, but not too hot. You don't want to blaze these suckers and dry them out. Prepare your griddle with some olive oil spray so they don't stick. If you are preparing outdoors on the grill, you lucky devil you, grill away!My burgers took about 12 minutes to cook. They were very thick, so make sure if you are doing thicker patties, lower the temp and remember they will take longer to cook. Once you have your patties on the griddle, or grill, you can add your mushrooms to the onion and garlic mix. This way, they won't dry out or burn.

So my burgers got a little cooked on one side, boo. I have a very temperamental electric stove, mind you. When your onion and mushroom mixture looks caramelized, lower the heat to warm. Once you've flipped the burgers and they are mostly cooked, you can add your cheese. I used pepperjack, you can use whatever you want. Swiss would be yum! Take the cheese square and fold over the left side about 1/4 of the way. We used to do this at In N Out, hehe.

Time to toast your buns. Either place them under the broiler, or right on the grill. You want the bun to be a little crunchy to add to the texture of the burgers. Once your burgers are thoroughly cooked and your buns are ready, it's time to plate this sucker and eat. Place some onion and mushroom mix on top of the cheese and put the bun on top. Remove from griddle, or grill, and enjoy! You don't really need many condiments, if any. Try ranch, chipotle mayo, or dijon mustard to taste. Enjoy!

---It was pretty crummy this weekend. Not much sunshine, but then again, what can you expect living in the Northwest? I built the little guy a fort on Saturday. He totally dug it. Daddy was working, so we decided we would indulge in a cinnamon roll while watching movies in our cool fort.

I have mentioned before in earlier posts I am getting very bored and stir crazy by not being able to work, or workout much. AHHH. I decided to try some of those cool nail stickers from Kiss and I bought a feather to put in my hair. Now I feel foofoo and fabulous. They have been on for about 5 days now, and they are still on! The feather looks cute still too :)

Well, that's about it for me this evening. I hope you have all been enjoying one another and are grateful for each day.
All my love,xo Kayla