12 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi


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<--- This is me. Reliving my glory days of modeling. Pretending to be fierce, when really, I was driving from the B-town all the way down to McMinnville, OR. If you haven't heard of it, Google it. I woke up with Mr J around 0530 and was on the road by 0615. I was loaded up with HVAC tools and thermostats, refrigerant, and lord who knows what else.
I hauled buns down there, carefully and safely,delivered my goods, got the cash, and headed back up. So, I have done this trip a hundred and one times down from Washington down to California, but for some reason, this 198 miles felt like an eternity. I was so bored, the radio stations were garbage, and all my CD's didn't appeal to me.
My efforts to stay sane were ditched at the border, and I had to figure something out. So, I took pictures of the 6 very similar looking bridges I crossed. You're probably thinking, what the heffe, this chick is nuts. Well, that I am.  

Here are the bridges I crossed. 

The trip was quick, and the weather was phenomenal. I really lucked out with such a beautiful day. It was nice to have the window down and not get wet from rain or freeze from cold. Things have been busy, but it's been great to get out and do stuff. I started to get cabin fever really bad. 

It was a fun time for me though. ... and I didn't even get a ticket! Yay! I said I was going to bed last time, but I am going to bed for reals this time. I am beyond tuckered out. Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour! (it's such a waste nowadays...) Arizona has the right idea by not including daylight savings time into the mix... Peace, love, and foofoo. 

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