From what I've been told, Drexler's is a family owned BBQ establishment outside of downtown Houston that operates under Clyde Drexler's family.
Well I'm sad to say this that I drove there today and it's not there anymore. What was a waste of time...
I guess we'll never know if lived up to the Westfall standard...
Here are some blogger comments about why it shut down:
Anonymous said...
bad tasting food = no customers = shut down business. it is a shame because the new location was very nice inside. i supported drexlers a couple of times, but it didn't compare in taste to goode company etc;
i really wanted it to succeed, especially as a black business, but word spread fast that the bbq was NOT VERY GOOD. i don't understand why they could not hire a new cook.
Anonymous said...
the food was terrible...how u mess up bar-b-que...especially when you are in the position to afford to pay a good chef...
Anonymous said...
This happens when you boil the meat and then smoke it.
Anonymous said...
can you please put up a new picture of Clyde? something current? maybe from the dancing show or in a houston rockets jersey? come on Isiah, you are really behind the times.
Anonymous said...
Ate there once... it was mediocre and the quantity was, well, meagher. They were charging top quality price for a middle of the road product. Poor quality + poor quantity = no success in the land of a million bbq joints.
Anonymous said...
I spoke with a previous cook that work there when Drexlers first opened, he said the managers treated the cooks like crap!!! He said that he quit! He said that after he left it went down heel from there, because the other cooks didn't really know what they were doing..
Tom said...
I can attest the food was that bad I ate there on several in several months to be fair to tha brotha and I WASTED MY MONIE. Pappas BBQ is way better. the food was also over priced. It was such a relief that they closed down, I feel bad that Clydes name had to be linked to that mistake.. Its spelled hill not heel
Anonymous said...
Oh come on the food wasn’t bad, it was more commercial cooking, the appetizers were good and so were the drinks at the bar.
As far as the restaurant closing, I heard that the Drexlerl Family leased the restaurant out to another company and allowed them to use the Drexler name. The restaurant had been leased out for special events as well. I’m sad to see it go. There were some good times had there..
TOM said...
Trust me, you must have really bad taste the food was not worth the price of admission.
Anonymous said...
quit kissing clyde's ass
Anonymous said...
The food was horrible and overpriced!
2:02 AM
I give Clyde Drexler a 5 out of 5 stars for being an awesome basketball player.
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