7 Ekim 2012 Pazar

Sorry it's been a while...

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Well hello friends, family and visitors!
I haven't really written a new blog since my pity party after Wheel of Fortune. Well, good news. I am no longer pouting and I am out of my hermit shell. Since Wheel, not much has really gone on. PSYCHE! Everyday is a new journey, duh! How freaky deaky is this, so most every day, Mr J sends me my horoscope. Typically I read them and think, "hmm, oh Leo..." But recently, the best 'scopes have been sent. A few days ago, Mr J sent me one saying something like, "Leo, you are worried about finances and blah blah blah, just wait, something good is coming. When the opportunity arises, take it." I shrugged it off, thinking maybe my Wheel check will show up 5 months early, or I will win some lottery. Around 8:30p, I get a text from my Aunt Ellen. She sends me this link to a job post and asks me to read it and see if it's something I would like and not to worry because she had connections. I read it and show Mr J and he agreed, it's the perfect job for me. I text back, long story short-- Sign me up. Tuesday rolls around and I meet up for comida with AE (Aunt Ellen) and we catch up, shoot the breeze, and discuss the fab opportunity. Oh, hello! It's my cousin's company, and I get to go work for him! How exciting! Him and I met over coffee, I know, it's sooo Seattle... and he said the job is there if I want it. Sold, I am there!
Today is the day I am putting in my 2 week notice at my job. I think to myself, although they have not been the nicest people to me, and it's definitely not been the most pleasant place to be employed, I professionally owe them 2 weeks. Who knows what will happen, they could just let me go here and now, which I am hoping they do, or they could keep me on for the remainder of my employment. Either way, SAYONARA!
I left for therapy midway through finishing this blog, and I got a lot accomplished while I was out. After massage therapy, I went down to T-Town to put in my resignation. I wanted to keep it formal and quiet without  a huge hullabaloo. The girl in HR is so nice, and I filled out the proper paperwork, put in my last date of work, and that was that. I am a free woman! It's rather sad how miserable people are there. The company, whom shall remain anonymous but I am sure everyone knows where it is, was not the best place, as aforementioned, but the opportunity I have been given is much greater than working on-call with no schedule. Instead of my fridge calendar looking a muck, I have consistent hours, consistent schedule, and a steady income. What a sigh of relief.

Well, let's see, what else has been going on?

The air date for Wheel has officially changed. The episode I participated in will air 23 MAY instead. Stay tuned and watch it! 
My parents came over for a fabulous meal! I made my famous turkey burgers with fiesta ranch, and might I say, they were fabulous. We got to showcase our awesome 3D TV, and my dad was watching Deadliest Catch and was acting like a kid. haha it was so awesome to see him get to excited! He told us about what he used to do for DEA and when he worked in Alaska and Florida and it was so cool to hear those stories. I am almost 25 years old and haven't heard stories like that, so it was cool! Also, PLEASE look for this man's mug on the side of Gordon Trucking trailers in the Western US! He tends to be very modest and doesn't want people to know these things, but now I have officially put him and his accomplishments on blast. WAY TO GO DADDY!

He's very "google-able"

Let's see... what else...
Mr J took me to the tulip festival as well. It was so lame for him, but A+ for his efforts to do something totally lame for me! I loved the colors and the assortment, but I must stand on my soap box for just a moment. Mr J and I are walking through the fields and fields of tulips, and I am taking pictures, doing my thing. Well, I wanted a picture of both of us with the tulips as the background... sigh. I asked a man to take our picture, keep in mind, we have taken pictures for other people, and he says NO, NO NO and shakes his head and walks away. Um, what? After numerous expletives pouring out of our mouths like vomit, we left. It really put a huge damper on the day. Everyone was just very rude and unmindful  and it really soured me. Luckily, we could laugh about it later on through the day.

The photos are uploaded and updated in the SONY SHOTS page of my blog!
That is what has been going on. Stay tuned, I will be sure to write some fabulous things more often when I get back into to groove of things! See you later!
WHAT A HUNK-- lookin' good! winky face winky face

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