7 Ekim 2012 Pazar

What's New?

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Happy Tuesday, amigos!
So, a lot has been going on lately. Let's begin. First of all... just to clear the air. I have found out some things about my ex that has made his death much easier to handle. Apparently, he had another girlfriend as well. Ouch? Yes, ouch. Some people have mocked me and said that I am crazy, but really.. put yourself in my shoes. If you had no idea there was someone else, you would act like any normal person would if your significant other passed away. However, I am just a normal person who was fed lie after lie. Do I feel like a fool? Completely. Has it made me never want to date again? Absolutely. Unfortunately, it is a hard pill to swallow, but in the end, it will all be ok. Life does go on!
Off to fight the good fight with my M16
In other news.. Recently, I came back from a Military exercise. It was so much fun! We got to play in a simulated war! The first few days, we brushed up on last minute "deployment" items, and then we headed off to the middle of nowhere via C17 to play in the CASF (Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility). We had our chemical gear and helmets, and I was part of the PAR (Post Attack Recon) team. This job means that I go out along with a buddy after an attack to check for UXO's (Unexploded Ordnance) and other potentially threatening devices. Every exercise or training something we have going on I always get tasked for this job. Either I must be good at it, or people want me to be the first one blown up! Ha!
If anyone has experienced Chem Gear, you know how god awful hot it is, how heavy it is, and how much of a pain it is to go to the bathroom. Battle thong anyone? We were in MOPP 2 the entire time, and MOPP 4 for over 6 hours two consecutive nights! MOPP 4 is your chem pants, jacket, chem boots, gloves, glove inserts, and gas mask. Not to mention a helmet as well, a weapon, and sweat dripping down every inch of you. Needless to say, we all looked so good once the masks came off. Haha..
We worked 12 hour shifts, which made my sleep schedule so off. Not only was the time difference a challenge, but so was the 6p-6a shift. Off course, once you get used to it, you have to get back on the plane to come home. After being up for 41 hours, going through the Persco and redeploying, we all had to get mandatory flu mist. UGH. The past few days I have been quite snotty and congested, and feeling like crap. Ick. All in all though, it was such a fun time. Now the real fun begins when we get our inspection by the IG in a few weeks. It's pretty much the same thing as I just got back from, but it's the actual inspection to check our readiness and capabilities, not to mention it's longer.
I am happy to report that I am not dating anyone and I am focusing on myself and what my next adventure is going to be. Once the inspection in October is over, I am hoping to focus more on finishing my education and taking short trips to see different places and experience new things.
My inbox has been flooded with messages from people who found me on theCHIVE, and I wanted to say thanks for all the kind words! (Boo to some of the haters, jerks) but for the most part, thank you! John, the owner, has even asked me to be COTW! Yay! I am stoked! 
Now that I have more closure from the whole other girlfriend thing, I feel like I can move on and close that chapter. I found out that I was forbidden to go to his memorial service in order to keep myself and the other girl away from each other. I have no idea who she is, and I would not even try to cause a problem. I doubt she knew or knows who I am as well, but in all reality, both of us were lied to and I can't be mad at her for that. I send her my condolences as well, and now it's time for me to move on.
Work has been busy since getting back. I have tons to catch up on, and even more to do when I get home at night. Currently, I am studying for Airman Leadership School in hopes of getting promoted to Staff Sergeant here in the next few weeks. It's all computer based now, which makes studying a little more difficult for me, but from what I have heard, the test isn't too hard. It's just a matter of actually finding the time to study and get it out of the way.
My little sister got married! I am so excited for her and her new adventure ahead. Currently, her husband is deployed and upon his return, the big wedding will happen! We were talking about her wedding and it's fun to get to help her plan it and send her over ideas. I am sure that it will be spectacular, and I am so happy to be a part of it. Not only my sister, but one of my best girl friends is getting married too! She is going wedding dress shopping this weekend, and I wish so badly I was back home with her. There are so many great things to look forward to next year! Let's put this crappy year behind us, and make next year a brand new beginning.
I should get going now. But thanks for the nice comments and words from everyone. My blog has 13k viewers, which is incredible! Again, thanks!

Have a great day everyone. Stay away from drama, don't be a child, and stay classy.

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