7 Ekim 2012 Pazar

Warm Fuzzies for a Gray Day

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I am unsure the reasoning behind this, but every March I have memories of Boot Camp. I haven't been to boot camp in 3 years, so still have memories and flashbacks is kinda weird in my eyes.
It has been 3 years to the week since Air Force Basic Military Training. Time sure does fly. I remember ENLISTING back in December 2008, goodness. Colonel Seaholm enlisted me, alongside with my parents and sister. Mom wasn't happy about it, and she still threatens to break my legs whenever I go somewhere or get called up. My dad didn't say a whole lot during my enlistment, I could hear him thinking in his head, "I should re-enlist.." haha, but then my mom would have two sets of legs to break.
March 2009 rolls around and I pack up my little bit of belongings for the greatest journey I could ever dream of. I flew from Seattle to Burbank to San Antonio. The other 60 girls in my new flight were from all walks of life. Some were single parents, others were down home kind of girls, and some were the hard ass chicks you were afraid of in high school.
I remember our first phone calls home. My parents thankfully answered and I started to cry.. oh jeez. The sleep deprivation, the hunger, and the emotional rollercoaster was enough to even make Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson cry. I remember telling them it was the biggest mistake I ever made, but after I got off the phone I was like, why did I just say that? The best part of BMT was not just doing something for the greater good and meeting new people, but it was Sundays.
Sundays, we would all march over to Church, and let me tell you, not a single person didn't cry. You'd see these huge muscle guys with alligator tears rolling down their cheeks. People were crying hysterically, hugging each other, singing, praising. It was such a great time.
I actually came across a video from my graduation church service. You can see exactly how it was. People brought together through faith, ah very moving.
I actually downloaded the songs from BMT onto my phone and have been listening to them while writing this. I know that a lot of people will never truly know what it was like, or the experiences I had, but I thought I would share some of the best times I had. Boot camp was the best decision I ever made. I needed a swift kick in the butt to get things together and to have some form of direction. While moving, I came across all the old pictures from graduation and from BMT and it was so crazy to reminisce on things. Good times, good memories, and I made some great friends. Chelsea and Patrick-- miss you guys! 

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