9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

911 TV EMERGENCY! Titanic, and allergies!

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Ok, so my hotel is booked, the tickets are being distributed, I've lost a few "el-bees" (lbs, pounds), now all that is left is hair and wardrobe! I have been overnighted all the rules, tickets, releases, and contestant information, and I am starting to freak out! I have enough anxiety as it is, so this just takes the cake!
I have scoured the internet left and right for a new 'do, and I have a few contenders.

Exhibit A: "The Kate." And when speaking of such Kate, I mean Beckinsale, not Middleton. My hair is about this long right now, and the color is nice. I like how it's seemingly one color with some natural face-framing highlights.Exhibit B: Ashley Greene. I had no idea who she was until someone said we looked alike and I had to Google her. Here, we have honey and caramel highlights all over. A nice way to bring in spring with a glowing color.Exhibit C: Hilary Duff. Ok, so I am not her biggest fan, no offense, but I really like her hair transformations. Unfortunately, her veneers were not as appreciated as much as her experimentation with hair color. I like how this is very natural looking with some highlights, with a mild ombre at the ends. 
Well, here are the three I am looking at. My hair is very bland and almost mousey looking right now, with too much color and no cohesion. Definitely on the no no list--- BLONDE. I have been blonde for so long that I am not looking to go through that again. 
Here's the current color and style. Boring much?
I know, I know, tanning is horrible for you. However-- !! -- The color "see through" has never looked good on HDTV! The burn has faded, and I am getting a smidgen of color, but I don't want to overdo it and look orange. Now for the cut... how do I cut it? Or should I? It's at that awkward stage where it's grown out, but not enough for any shape or style. 
WARDROBE DILEMMA: Alright, so in the criteria, I am not allowed to wear small prints, stripes, white, red, or jeans. These tend to not look well under the lighting and the prints can distort on camera. Of course, first thing I think of is animal print or lace, haha, but those would not work out. 
I found this dress, click HERE, to see it. I absolutely love it, but I also found these ideas. 

Obviously, I love bright jewel tones. I can't wear any necklaces or rings-- don't want to lose a finger or decapitate myself! I just want to make sure I look cute and not trashy. 
There you have it. The options. Eek! I am getting so nervous! WISH ME LUCK LOVIES!
This morning I woke up with the most horrendous dry mouth-ICK! Apparently, I couldn't breathe properly during the wee hours of the night, hence the waking up all the time to the "paste" sensation in my mouth. I was hoping it was allergies, but I took a hot shower with steam and no relief. After taking 3 allergy pills, I am coming to the belief that maybe I have a cold! OH BLAST! Can't be all nasally for my appearance! Normally, we go have Sunday dinner at Mr J's parents, but I planned on seeing my family this evening. I haven't seen my dad in who knows how long! He travels way too much and in my opinion, deserves much better. Unfortunately, I had to skip out on both. Misery does not love company. At all. 
So, now for the good stuff. HDtv and Blu-Ray. I am dreading my appearance on national television in high definition, however, I am watching my favorite movie on this gorgeous TV. Titanic. Yes, the 1997 classic. For those of you who don't know, I am a giant Titanic NERD and have always been intrigued by the ship since I was like, 2. If I believed in reincarnation, I would definitely say I was on that ship. It's awesome in HD Blu-Ray. And yes, I will be seeing it in theaters again when it re-releases. IN 3D! (EXCITED FACE!!)
Well, I am going to finish watching my movie and blow my nose raw. Hopefully everyone enjoyed their weekend. Supposedly I am to go back to work next week, but that is another story. All I can say is, boo, hiss--unfair! Speak at you all later. Sorry for the lack of postings lately. Moving has been busy, plus there hasn't been a whole lot going on to write about. 
One more thing, keep your fingers crossed PLEASE that I get the open Medical Technician job I applied for at MAMC. This weekend was all about finding work, so hopefully one of the many I have applied for will pan out! 
Any suggestions for hair and wardrobe would be great! Comment below! THANKS!

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