Tuesday started out early, and I arrived at the Convention Center at 0700. I woke up after a toss and turn kind of night at 0400 filled with excitement to the brim. I was more nervous about what I looked like than the game... typical pageant girl. The morning was full of energy and rehearsal, paperwork, and meeting some cool people. I was the youngest one there, but the one with the most stage experience. I found out the day that out of the 2800+ people who auditioned in Seattle, I was 1 of only 2 who were chosen! Quite the accomplishment!
The rules were very strict, and there were no cameras allowed, no phones, no texting, no reading materials..in other words, boring! Actually, it was kind of neat to learn about other people and their families, jobs, dreams, etc etc. I have been on movie sets before, but seeing the inner workings of a show that's been on for 29 seasons was an incredible orchestration. There were maybe about 15 of us there, coming from all walks of life, waiting for our chance at the opportunity of a lifetime! We all picked randomly our tapings and positions, and I was the second episode of the day, first position. They filmed all 5 episodes for the week in one day.
Both Pat and Vanna were definitely looking older, but Pat was very nice during the game, and Vanna said hello to me. No autographs, no pictures, no nothin! Boo. :(
My specific air date is 22 May on your local Wheel channel. Be sure to watch me! Yes, I am a sore loser, but can you really "lose" at Wheel of Fortune? Doubtful. But again, I am a sore loser.
In other news, I went to a job fair on base last Friday. After terrible desperation, I finally broke down and went. After passing out resumes and trying to network, I got one call back. Today, I interviewed with not just one, but two of the hiring managers for this property management company. Tomorrow, I have a third and final interview. Please wish me luck as I continue on this endeavor.
Hopefully things continue to look up. I am just waiting for this episode to air so someone sees it and begs to hire me for some work! The decision has been made that I am going to attempt to get representation and lose some weight and get back into the show biz industry. It's what I am good at and comfortable with, so I may as well use my talents, right!?
Ok, well I am off to sulk some more and log onto Pinterest, dreaming about rugged decorations and fabulous treats. Enjoy your evening all. Be sure to watch me on TV!
Peace. Love. and Gooey Cinnamon Sticky Buns.
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