8 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

Cakes and Pies, Cakes and Pies!

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(hopefully someone gets the movie quote of my blog title!!)

First things first, my great friend Michelle has posted the nicest blog about me. I started to tear up, it was so nice and meant so much to me! She has been such a great support system for me. Dammit Michelle, why must you live so far away!? We became friends through a military trip to San Antonio. There are just people in your life who stick with you, and that is her. Talk about a truly great person- that is Michelle. Love her!

See her blog HERE and divulge in her fabulousness please! (Role model Alert!) 

Michelle and her Man, Mr C, and his son

So, ok it is Saturday and tomorrow is Easter.
Tomorrow instead of going to Mr J's house with his family, I am partaking in my own family festivities and we are heading North to some fancy joint for a late lunch.
I have been back to work for 2 days now. Yesterday went well, and all I have been doing is ringing up orders for Estee Lauder and their upcoming gift with purchase. Unfortunately, I am too high speed for them and finished a 4 day job.. in one. I guess I just question the IQ of the majority of the employees because this task was quite simple, why was it supposed to take 4 days? Oh well, I can't complain. I am getting paid to do a whole lot of nothing. Not bad after 4 months of no paychecks, right?
Well, today was day 2 of the beginning of my on-call position. It went well, but I had nothing to do. I sat around not able to sell anything because I was not approved to...cough. Really..?
Anyway, so I organized and alphabetized products and emailed customers and I still was done too early. I left at over an hour and a half early because seriously, there was not a thing left for me to do. Again, high speed. 
While I was hunched over on my stool deciphering between "Pinkberry" and "Crystal Pink" lip glosses, I made a few logical decisions. So, ok, Mom- sorry you are going to be really mad, but this is how it's going to work. I have talked with Mr J numerous times about going Active Duty. I have always wanted to go, but only as an Officer. That was my original plan, but life happens and it doesn't look like that will happen. We have discussed the ups and downs of it and this is the low down. Since I am only a Reservist, I have been struggling with Civilian work so much. I have applied for countless positions, and although it is illegal, I have been discriminated against in the most appalling ways. Mr J has been opposed to it, especially after he fell in love with me, *sigh*, and doesn't want me to go anywhere. However, he knows it is what I love and what I really want. Today, he has agreed and knows that this is where my heart is. Again, sorry Mom.
I have decided to discuss my options with a recruiter to go Active Duty and really get my goals started. I will finish school, stop looking for desperate "jobs", and I will become a pilot like I have always wanted. But, I will not become a helicopter pilot or a C-17 pilot, I am going for my dream to be a Fighter Pilot.
This is what I have dreamed of for I can't tell you how many years. I remember asking my Daddy when I was probably 12 or 13 what I needed to do to be in the military. All I remember i him saying to me, "run and be prepared." Ha- that was so long ago!
Speaking of pops, I found all of my letters from boot camp! Some could be burned, ha, but some are the greatest. I got a letter almost every day from Nana (thanks!!), and I got a lot from my parents, even one labeled, "Kayla Poop Face" from my little sister. Thanks Turd. Well, I found this card from my dad, and for those of you who don't know, my dad is my hero. I look up to him and all the crap he has overcame, and I still can't believe it. The card was so special to me, and I remember that it was the second time I cried in boot camp. (The first was that wretched first phone call!) Re-reading it he wrote how proud he was of me for following my dreams. So, why the heck am I sitting here on a stool alphabetizing lip gloss and foundation? I am so much better than that.
Once I got home and made myself a fabulous cocktail, I discussed my future plans with Mr J and he agreed. He tried to change the notion of me wanting to go Active since we met, but he knows my heart is in it and he won't take that away from me. Thank you for that..
So, my plan is to go Active and stay here at my current duty station and get 100% of my education funded. Sorry it has taken me so long to get my act together, but I think after 24 long years and one traumatic accident, I am FINALLY on the right path. 
Once I am completed with my Bachelor's Degree, I am going to transfer to the Navy and become a fighter pilot. (Or become a Blue Angel!)
I feel like although I may be letting some people down who want to break my shins to keep me on US soil *MOM* cough-- this is my heart and my dream, and I am going to stop making excuses and just go for it.

I guess I really am not looking so much for other people's approval anymore, and it is time to do what I really want to do, even though it may not be what other people want for me.

Happy Easter to everyone, I wish nothing but happiness. Take care of yourselves first and those close to you next.

Hope we can all be together again soon.


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