- Unless you live in the same town as the competition, set up a cot and sleeping bag and stay the night on the site. Setting up tents, chairs, smokers, etc at 5am sucked and I will not be doing that again.
- Make a check list in an Excel Sheet. Even after I made the check list and edited it twice, I still forgot some things. Note: keep it saved and add to it every time.
- Be prepared to spend some money. After an application fee, buying meat, other groceries, beer, and A LOT of shit at Academy (canopees, chairs, tables, etc...), before you know it you are broke.
- Don't be dick competitor or a bad sport. It's nice to sample the goods of the other compeitors, swap secrets, etc... You also might learn something from somebody old.
- Don't forget to garnish your styrofoam box.
- You can never have too many tables. I brought 2 and could have used a few more.
- After the day was done I was so red I looked like a white trash hillbilly from West Virginia. Bring some sunscreen.
- Bring a vegetable or a piece of fruit with you. Even I was tired of BBQ.
- Don't let the big rigs intimidate you. WSMs and Green Eggs can do just as good of job if not better than a pit with a hitch...I saw the scores...
- Tell people you are from Texas. You will get the respect and street cred you deserve.
Yes they did misspell Colt 45s
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