7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

Skull Fractures and Stenosis. Days 2 & 3

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Welcome to days 2 and 3. Yesterday seemed like the day was cut short, so I apologize I didn't update you on my day! Yesterday, I had two labs I attended for 4 hours each! The first lab I was in was Trauma Care. This class was full of all kinds of new techniques, but also full over things I already knew. We learned about burns and how to calculate morality rate of burn patients. Also, we learned about suction VACs. These create negative pressure to stimulate granulation to help the wound heal from the inside, out. In this lab, we also studied TBIs and concussions. Research has improved greatly, and we are now able to make 3D models of the skull for military members who have head trauma. It's super cool.The rest of the day we went to the Essentials lab. Here we went over medical and trauma assessments, how to triage patients properly, applying splints, bivalve, and removing casts, external fixators and pin care, and sutures and minor lacerations. ---> These are piggy feet. They are soaked in mouth wash so they don't smell bad, that's why they are blue FYI. I learned how to suture when I worked at Madigan with the Army. It has been so long since I have sutured anything, but it was so cool to be the only one in the class who has performed live sutures on patients! I am in a class of 2 Majors, 1 Colonel, and 1 Senior. It was pretty flattering when I was asked to demonstrate and teach everyone my technique! My group is pretty cool. We have all become good classmates and have a lot of fun with each other. That was the end of the first full day of training. Today, Wednesday, is my mom's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA! Ok, so besides that, I had 2 great classes. First off this morning, we were greeted in the IV Lab by the nicest nurse ever! She is a Lt Col, and has been a nurse for over 17 years. She was super fun and I think I learned the most from her so far this whole trip. We touched briefly on calculating, preparing, and administering medications, initiating and regulating, monitoring, and discontinuing peripheral intravenous therapy. I learned about IO's, which I had no idea what it was. Basically, if you are in a life or death situation and you need to get fluids in the patient ASAP, you can drill an IO and administer fluids that way. After that class, we had lunch and Jenn and I stayed behind to watch this movie called "Taking Chances." It's got Kevin Bacon in it, and it's super sad, but it's actually a pretty decent flick. After lunch, I attended the Cardiac class. We learned the stresses of flight, like G-Force, barometric pressure, and fatigue. It got so confusing though, listening to different sounds and determining what the problem could be. I learned about Myocardial Infarctions, Ventricular Septal Defect, systolic heart failure, and pulmonary stenosis. Just trying to read the different heart rhythms got me all kinds of confused. Overall, it has been a great class and I am so glad I am here! I love learning about this stuff and just refreshing on everything. I must admit, the heat is awesome and I miss the humidity here, I love hearing the planes fly around and the sounds of the engines. So lame, I know, but I love it! Here is a funny video for everyone :)
Have a great night, happy birthday mom!

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